Health Benefits of Plant Sterols

What Are Plant Sterols? plant sterols

Plant sterols are chemical substances found in plants.  The greatest abundance of which comes in the form of their seeds and oils, such as sunflower, flax, almonds, walnuts, etc.

Other foods that contain high amounts of plant sterols are vegetables, fruit, whole wheat, wheat germ, and beans.

These types of foods can lower cholesterol levels, therefore helping to prevent heart disease, strokes, and heart attacks.

They do this by blocking absorption of cholesterol into the intestines.

Research suggests that plant sterols, also called Phytoserols, also may help protect against some forms of cancer including colon, prostate, and breast cancer.

Besides eating healthy foods high in plant sterols, there are off-the-shelf supplements also available, like CholestOff Complete, which has 900mg of plant sterols per serving.

CholestOff Complete, 900mg per serving, 120 softgels

Cholestoff Complete Plant Sterols